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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coal projects to be cleared prior to end-use plants, says MoEF

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has today made it clear that henceforth, the green clearance to the coal-based projects will be subject to the prior grant of environment and forest clearances to their dedicated coal mining projects.

  • Accordingly, all the green clearance proposals of the thermal power, steel, sponge iron projects, which are largely dependent on the availability of coal, will be considered by the MoEF after ascertaining the status of MoEF-clearances to their associated coal projects.
  • As per the MoEF's circular, the indigenous coal consuming projects must have firm coal supply tie-ups for obtaining the MoEF's clearances.
  • In case of imported coal-based projects, a copy of the MoU signed between the coal supplier and the project developer has to be furnished to the MoEF.
  • This move is intended to ensure that the pace of development of the end-use plants does not face a setback in the midway for want of MoEF clearance to their linked mines, as now the construction of the end-use plants will only start after obtaining the MoEF clearances for both the end-use plants and coal mines.
  • This will also put to rest all the hue and cry surrounding the alleged idling of end-use plants due to the MoEF's denial of green clearances to their linked coal mines.

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